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Center for Stewardship

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“God is concerned about all we are and all we have.”

From the doctrine of creation we derive the concepts of God's sovereignty and our trusteeship and responsibility.  From the doctrine of redemption we derive our insight into the grace which restores sinners into fellowship with God and awakens the gratitude, joy and love which motivates us to give our lives to our Redeemer.  From the doctrine of sanctification we derive our understanding of the living faith which, drawing upon God's resources, bears fruit in obedience and dedicated service.  Faith in God the Creator establishes evangelism and stewardship as God's work.  Faith in God the Redeemer establishes the basis on which sinful people can do God's work.  Faith in God the Sanctifier consecrates us to the doing of this work.

T. A. Kantonen 

Wayne Knolhoff photoWayne Knolhoff, Director of the Center for Stewardship at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.